Ingrid L. Williams
3 min readOct 10, 2019


Living and Working in Scandinavia

What Do Norwegians Get Dead Right About Work Culture That Can Make You a Better Leader?

The CEO may be the guy making the coffee every morning.

Photo by Stephen Hsu on Unsplash

Egalitarianism is in many ways the poster child for Norwegian living. The idea that no one is better than anyone else and the belief that hierarchy is a dirty word is definitely alive and well, and can be easily observed in daily life here.

At street level, it makes for uncomplicated and generally respectful exchanges amongst strangers. In the work world, it contributes to an atmosphere of trust and empowerment that is much rarer in other regions of the world. And it lays the foundation for a thriving work culture that modern leaders everywhere are striving to create in their own companies.

It sends a strong message that is more than just a bunch of pretty words on a poster when the CEO arrives early and rattles around in the company kitchen preparing coffee for the morning meeting. The message not that he is…

